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Setup in Bahrain Business Support Services Co WLL, EBC Tower, Floor 15, Building 361, Road 1705, Block 317, Town Diplomatic Area, Kingdom Of Bahrain
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 18:00

Бизнес для экспатов в Бахрейне

В Бахрейне так много экспатов, многие из экспатов, оказавшихся в таком положении, предпочитают воспользоваться возможностью, чтобы начать свой собственный бизнес или работать на себя. Мы составили список бизнес-идей для иностранцев, которые вы, возможно, захотите рассмотреть, если хотите начать собственное предприятие за границей.

Бизнес для экспатов

Это очень хорошая новость для вас, что мы собираемся представить вам бизнес для эмигрантов в Бахрейне для эмигрантов, который предлагает Королевство Бахрейн, в Бахрейне существует более трехсот (300) бизнесов для эмигрантов, которыми иностранец может владеть со 100 % владения и некоторые из 100%-ных предприятий для экспатов в Бахрейне, как показано ниже:

Давайте начнем бизнес для экспатов в Бахрейне!

Бухгалтерское консультирование

Деятельность служб трудоустройства

Деятельность гловных офисов или офисов управления - Гостиничный менеджмент

Деятельность холдинговых компаний

Деятельность скульпторов, живописцев, карикатуристов и др.

Услуги скорой помощи - Услуги скорой помощи


Строительство прогулочных и спортивных лодок

Литье металлов

Детские сады

Брокерские услуги по товарным контрактам - Международная брокерская компания по нефти и газу

Компьютерная система бронирования авиаперевозок

Courier Services - Local Courier and Express Operators up to 30 Kg

Dental Practice

Educational support activities

Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas

Fitness/ Yoga Instruction

Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy -

Graphic Design

Horse Riding Instruction

Installation of industrial machinery and equipment

Jewellery Design

Management consultancy activities

Materials recovery

Motion picture, video and television programme activities

Office administrative and support activities - Office administrative and support activities

Operation of concert and theatre halls and other art facilities

Operation of Sea/Diving Tours - Operation of Sea/Diving Tours with Pearl Diving

Organization of conventions, events, and trade shows

Other amusement and recreation activities

Other Education

Other information technology and computer services activities

Other Medical center - Residential nursing care facilities

Аудиторская фирма

Activities of Employment Placement Services

Деятельность гловных офисов или офисов управления - Бурение на нефть и газ за пределами Бахрейна

Деятельность частных спортивных клубов

Консультации по сельскому хозяйству

Услуги скорой помощи - Местные службы скорой помощи

Организация и сбор туров

Погрузочно-разгрузочные работы

Кейтеринг - Услуги бортового питания

Совмещенная деятельность по обеспечениобъектов (кроме охранно-охранной деятельности)ю

Компьютерное консультирование и деятельность по управлению компьютерным оборудованием

Строительство плавучих сооружений

Crop Production and Plant Propagation

Design of Training Programs

Educational support activities - Educational Services Offices for Students Studying Abroad

Family Counseling

Food and beverage service activities - Floating Tourist Restaurant

General Hospital

Hairdressing and other beauty treatment - Men

In Flights Sales Services

Insurance Brokers

Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works

Manufacturing of Products

Medical Laboratory

Non-specialized medical clinics

Offices for the coordination of medical treatments

Operation of halls/facilities for entertainment games and recreational facilities

Operational of recreational water transportation facilities

Organization of conventions, events, and trade shows - Offices for Organizing tourism festivals

Other business support service activities

Other human health activities

Other Marketing/ Promotion Activities

Other Printing/ Engraving Services

Деятельность парков развлечений и тематических парков

Деятельность колл-центров

Деятельность гловных офисов или офисов управления - оффшорные контракты/EPC

Деятельность продюсеров или промоутеров спортивных мероприятий

Нетрадиционная медицина

Животноводство - производство яиц


Обработка грузов - Стивидорные услуги

Услуги общественного питания - Агент по смене судов

Брокерские услуги по товарным контрактам

Деятельность по компьютерному программированию

Курьерские услуги - Международные курьерские и экспресс-компании до 30 кг

fas fa-database

Driving Instructions

Environment related consultancy

Fashion Design

Food and beverage service activities - Restaurants for Tourist Services

Goods re-export and other logistics value add services

Higher Education

Independent Journalists

Interior Decoration

Legal activities - Foreign Legal Consultancy Offices

Martial Arts Instruction

Motion picture projection activities

Office administrative and support activities - Business Incubators and Accelerators

Operating parks for Boats and Yachts

Operation of Land Tours - Internal Transport of Tourists

Operational of recreational water transportation facilities - Hiring yachts, boats and jet skies

Other accommodation

Other creative, arts, and entertainment activities

Other information service activities Other information service activities

Other Medical Center

Other professional, scientific and technical activities

Other residential care activities

Other service activities incidental to land transportation- Provision of smart applications for public transport activities

Other social work activities without accommodation

Other Specialized Design Activities

Other Sports and recreation education

Other Testing and analysis activities

Other Testing and analysis activities - Diamond Grading Laboratory

Other Testing and analysis activities - Gemstone Testing Laboratory

Other Testing and analysis activities - Pearl Testing Laboratory

Packaging Activities

Packaging activities - Packaging of Chemicals

Packaging activities - Packaging of Cosmetics or herbs

Packaging activities - Packaging of Food

Packaging activities - Packaging of vegetable/ animal/ fish oil

Performance testing of automobiles

Performance testing of complete machinery: motors, computers, electronic equipment etc.

Performing arts/ drama school

Physiotherapy Centre


Private Education - National Educational Institute

Private Education - National Private School

Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs -

Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

Processing and preserving of meat

Production of live theatrical presentations and other stage productions

Public Relations

Publicity and Advertising

Radio Broadcasting

Radiology Center

Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis - Management of Real estate

Real estate activities with own or leased property

Remediation activities and other waste management services - Oil spills cleaning Service

Renting and operational leasing of water-transport equipment

Repair and maintenance of other Industrial equipment

Repair and routine maintenance of ships

Repair and routine maintenance of ships - Diving Services related to Marine Activities

Repair and maintenance of other Industrial equipment

Repair of electronic, electrical, and optical equipment

Repair of fabricated metal products

Repair of Machinery and equipment

Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering

Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities

Reservation/Ticket Sales Activities for entertainment or recreational purposes (excluding air transportation)

Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse

Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled

Residential nursing care facilities

Risk and damage evaluation (Loss Adjusters)

Sale/Trade of pharmaceutical and medical goods - Hospital Pharmacy

Other Businesses for Expats in Bahrain

There are many other business for expats in Bahrain that they can setup in Bahrain ,Feel Free to talk us we will help you and support you professionally. Please contact us with your idea to discuss more about Business for Expats in Bahrain.


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Setup in Bahrain Business Support Services Co WLL , EBC Tower, Floor 15, Building 361, Road 1705, Block 317, Town Diplomatic Area, Kingdom Of Bahrain

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Business in Bahrain